Located in Cold Spring, NY, Mid-Hudson Concrete offers premier precast concrete products to New York’s Hudson Valley, Lower Hudson Valley, and Westchester.
Find precast concrete products and detailed product specification pdf sheets below, including precast concrete blocks, septic tanks, drywells, catch basins, manholes, and more.
All precast concrete products are made in accordance with National Precast Concrete Association (NCPA) standards and specifications.
Precast concrete is a sustainable building material created from naturally occurring ingredients that are not scarce and can be sourced easily, such as sand, gravel, stone, and water.
Precast concrete is an extremely durable and reliable building material that helps achieve environmentally sound objectives, such as LEED prerequisites for green projects.
Concrete is an effective, long-lasting barrier that diverts and protects surrounding areas from pollution, flooding, sewage, drainage, and other byproducts, which is one of the many reasons why it is used for a multitude of essential building applications.
Please call for sizes and prices
Septic Tank
1000 Gallon Pump Tank
10 x 4 Drywell Ring
8 Hole D-Box
24 x 24 x 24 Catch Basin